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British Tourists Share Childhood Memories

Published: Thu 30 May 2013 at 16:15

Updated: Thu 30 May 2013 at 16:16


The big summer holiday has always been an exciting aspect for many children, and parents can make it even more exciting by booking cheap flights to Barcelona, Paris or any other desirable holiday hotspot. While some of the time a holiday destination may be a random choice, new research suggests that almost half of British holidaymakers return to places they once visited as a child, in turn passing similar memories on to their children.

A poll of more than 2,000 adults found that nearly half of the respondents said they had recently been on holiday to somewhere they had been as a child. This trend has been dubbed ‘inherited holidays’, and is set to continue if adults take their children to their favourite destinations too.

Recreating Memories for a New Generation

Reasons for going back to childhood locations range from being safe in the knowledge that the place will be enjoyable, to wanting to give their children a similar experience that they had. One in 10 people said they are more likely to visit some childhood location now compared to five years ago.

An increasing number of families continue to return to locations they have been to several times, and know they love. Many of the nostalgic holiday activities included eating an ice cream, creating sandcastles and buying souvenirs.

While people might be content with visiting the same location many times, trying somewhere different could create a new favourite holiday location and give children the chance to explore more of the world. This summer, booking cheap flights to Paris or Barcelona with could create even more memories.

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