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‘Dan! Dan!’ – Guess Who’s Back?

Published: Thu 04 Jul 2013 at 09:04

Updated: Thu 04 Jul 2013 at 09:08


The latest issue of JetAway for July and August is now onboard!

Our cover star this issue is Manchester funny man, Steve Coogan, who is back on the big screen as his most famous character and lovable pariah, Alan Partridge.

If however, you’ve been watching the world’s most talked about TV show on the smaller screen, Game of Thrones, then you’ll love our on set feature of Westeros – aka Dubrovnik – in the company of some local cast members. Plus for the Sports fans amongst you, we take a look at the upcoming Ashes and Tour de France which are both UK bound in the not too distant future.

Not forgetting that this issue has a ‘family’ theme to it, we’ve covered off the Top 10 Family Getaways, as well as the best theme and water parks that Spain has to offer. And to make sure the kids’ brains aren’t completely switched off during the summer holidays, we’ve also included a feature on summer destinations where the National Curriculum topics simply leap off the page!

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